Short answer: Yes, humans are the driving force behind the warming of the climate.
Longer answer: Since the dawn of the Industrial age, humans have drastically ramped up the number of activities that produce greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are particles in the atmosphere that absorb energy and hinder the passage of energy from the atmosphere to space. The greenhouse effect is responsible for keeping Earth habitable for life because without it, the Earth would be barren and lifeless. However, as more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere, the harder it is for energy to escape. That energy is instead redirected back to Earth, warming the surface and the oceans. A 2015 study confirms the link between human activity and warmer climates: “We find that almost two-thirds of the impacts related to atmospheric and ocean temperature can be confidently attributed to anthropogenic forcing.” Furthermore, a 2013 study concluded that, “It is extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other anthropogenic forcings together.” In all, humans are largely responsible for the warming of the climate.